

  • (pay) attention (to)
  • take note of
  • heed
  • nota bene
  • pay attention to
  • look sharp
  • keep one's eyes open
  • tend to
  • wariness
  • reck
  • attend to...
  • advertency
  • advertence
  • advert
  • be heedful of
  • give one's attention to
  • take notice
  • 参考释义

    • -payattentionto;takenote[notice]of;becareful(todosth.);takecare;careabout;haveaneyeon;showapplication:



    • 短语注意标志caremark;cautionmark;cautionarymark注意不能aprosexia注意不足hypoprosexia注意广度{心理}attentionspan;rangeofattention注意规则attentionrule注意过强hyperprosexia注意涣散distractibility注意假说{心理}attentionhypothesis注意键attentionkey注意久暂{心理}durationofattention;persistenceofattention注意命令attentioncommand注意时度{心理}attentionspan;thespanofattention注意事项mattersneedingattention;pointsforattention注意信号{计}attention注意中心focalpoint注意转移attentionmobility


  • 他呆在幕后为了避开公众的注意。
    He stayed in the background to escape from the public attention.
  • 我们应该多注意危险的思想意识对年轻人的影响。
    We should pay more attention to the infection of young people with dangerous ideologies.
  • 她很快成为大家注意的人物。
    She soon becomes the centre of attention.
  • 请大家注意一下。
    May I have your attention, please?
  • 你的工作特点是缺乏对细节的注意。
    Your work is characterized by lack of attention to details.
  • 她的光滑柔软的长发吸引了一位摄影师的注意。
    Her silken long hair attracted the attention of a photographer.
  • 他们的越洋冒险旅行引起了公众的注意。
    Their perilous journey across the ocean has attracted public attention.
  • 我们必须对那个神秘的陌生人严加注意。
    We must pay special attention to the mysterious stranger.