
[shǎo xǔ]


  • little
  • slightness
  • some
  • crumb
  • a little
  • a few
  • touch
  • trait
  • soupcon
  • stime
  • lick
  • an element of
  • a shade of
  • straw
  • stitch
  • partly
  • smack
  • a dash of
  • shadow
  • driblet
  • ace
  • dribblet
  • fig.
  • scrap (bridge)
  • 参考释义



  • 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
    There is a vein of melancholy in his character.
  • 她身上仅带了少许的钱,在英格兰中部荒原上四处漂泊徒劳地求职。
    Taking just a little money with her, she wanders about the Midland moors, vainly seeking employment.
  • 少许危险对游戏可以助兴。
    A little danger adds zest to sport.
  • 他设法用少许油漆和一些零件把那辆旧汽车弄得面目一新。
    He has tried to jazz up the old car with a spot of paint and some accessories.