

  • debt
  • liability
  • liabilities
  • indebtedness
  • obligation
  • judgment debt
  • bond; debt
  • bond debts
  • 参考释义

    • -debt;liabilities;amountdue;engagement
    • 短语债务偿付开支debt-servicepayment债务偿付义务debt-serviceobligations债务担保品securityfordebt债务到期结构maturitystructureofdebt债务到期日dateofexigibilityoftheobligation债务额amountofdebt债务更新novation债务公司debtorcorporation债务管理debtmanagement债务国debtornation债务还本付息debtservice债务纠纷disputeoverobligation债务链debtchain债务履行地法lexlocisolutions债务清结performanceofdebt债务投资信托bondinvestmenttrust债务限额debtceiling;debtlimit债务证券debtinstrument债务证书bond债务支出repaymentofloans债务周转信贷debtfinancing债务准备liabilityreserve债务总额aggregateliability


  • 我为索取债务而起诉她。
    I took her to court for repayment of the debt.
  • 所有债务均已合并。
    All the debts have been consolidated.
  • 他的债务共达五千镑。
    His debts amount to 5,000 pounds.
  • 必须先还清债务然后再置办物品。
    Getting out of debt must be placed before buying anything new.
  • 我们的债务总计为五千美元。
    We have debts totaling 5000 dollars.
  • 他被很多债务弄得焦灼不安。
    He was embarrassed by many debts.
  • 法院判决由他偿还债务。
    The judge ordained that he should pay the debts.
  • 我破产了,不能偿还他的债务。
    I was bankrupt and unable to pay his debts.