

  • composition
  • theme
  • 参考释义

    • -(写文章)writeacomposition-(文章)composition


  • 他写作文或读散文。
    He wrote a composition or (he) read an essay.
  • 就英语作文而言,练习是最好的方法。
    So far as English composition is concerned, practice is the best way.
  • 他的作文比我的好多了。
    His composition is far superior to mine.
  • 每个学生必须一星期交一次作文。
    Each student has to hand in a composition once a week.
  • 他喜欢在作文中引用谚语。
    He likes to quote proverbs in his compositions.
  • 你的作文错误太多,重新写。
    Your composition contains too many mistakes; write anew.
  • 你的作文中犯了几处语法错误。
    You've made several grammatical mistakes in the composition.
  • 这篇作文写得不好,而且,还有许多拼写错误。
    The composition is a not well written, and moreover, there are many spelling mistakes in it.