

  • whistle
  • 双语例句

  • 那个男孩愉快地(一直)吹著口哨。
    The boy was whistling (away) cheerfully.
  • 她吹口哨唤她的狗来。
    She whistled for her dog.
  • 她一吹口哨就把她的狗唤了回来。
    She whistled her dog back.
  • 别吹口哨了!扰得我心烦!
    Stop whistling! It's/You're getting on my nerves!
  • 我听到他吹著不和谐的口哨声感到心烦意乱。
    His tuneless whistling jarred on my nerves.
  • 他吹口哨通知朋友继续隐蔽。
    He whistled to his friend to keep hidden.
  • 他的口哨声使她心烦。
    His whistling grated on her nerves.
  • 农夫一边挤奶一边吹口哨。
    The farmer whistled as he milked.