

  • resign
  • resignation
  • quit
  • resign from
  • send in one's papers
  • send in one's jacket
  • demit
  • step down
  • demission
  • sent in his papers
  • send in his papers
  • send in her papers
  • sent in her papers
  • send in their papers
  • leave office
  • resign office
  • sent in their papers
  • 参考释义

    • -resign;quitoffice;handinone'sresignation:




  • 我受够了,所以辞职不干了。
    I've had enough, so I quit.
  • 你听到她打算辞职的传闻了吗?
    Have you heard of her intention to resign?
  • 为这样的小事辞职未免愚蠢而轻率。
    It would be foolish and impetuous to resign over such a trivial matter.
  • 部长拒绝就他辞职一事的传闻发表评论。
    The minister refused to comment on the rumors of his resignation.
  • 他那不光彩历史的揭露导致了他的辞职。
    The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.
  • 面对这样的指责,许多人都会辞职的,然而他却留下并硬是挺了过来。
    A lot of people would have resigned in the face of such accusations, but he stayed and toughed it out.
  • 我辞职了。
    I've quit my job.