

  • arrest
  • nab
  • To arrest(a criminal, for example).
  • have by the heels
  • slough up
  • arrestment
  • apprehension
  • nail (unit of length)
  • grab
  • captura
  • apprehend
  • copp
  • seize
  • arret
  • catch up with
  • 参考释义

    • -arrest;takeintocustody:


    • 短语逮捕令orderforattachment;warrantofarrest逮捕权rightofarrest逮捕证arrestwarrant


  • 几天前,这些歹徒被逮捕了。
    These bandits were arrested several days ago.
  • 警察逮捕了他和他的两个同谋。
    The police arrested him and his two accomplices.
  • 你不能毫无根据地逮捕他。
    You shouldn't arrest him without warrant.
  • 他接受贿赂,终被逮捕。
    His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest.
  • 那个破坏者已经被警察逮捕了。
    The destroyer has been arrested by the police.
  • 他猛击那个警察的鼻子,结果被逮捕了。
    He punched the policeman on the nose and was arrested.
  • 警察逮捕了小偷。
    The police arrested the thief.
  • 他们因吸毒罪而被逮捕。
    They were arrested for drug offences.